162 Game Season: An Inside Look at How MLB Survive the Grind
There is no other sport like baseball when it comes to the grind of the season. Playing 162 games in six months takes it out of players. It is a long season that will result in players burning out, getting fatigued and getting injured. To keep themselves in the lineup and to play well, MLB players need to take care of themselves. Here is a look at the methods they use to stay fresh over the course of 162 games.
Eating Right
In recent years, most players have come to embrace the need to eat healthy foods every day to keep their bodies strong. A proper diet will help players recuperate more quickly, allowing them to play several days in a row without wearing down. MLB teams make it easy for players to eat healthily, providing them with gourmet meals made with nutritious ingredients. They also provide them with healthy snacks to fuel them like fruit, yogurt and nuts. Each team has a nutritionist on staff to help players eat right.
Massage Therapy
One of the major advantages that MLB players have to help them with the stress of playing 162 games a year is constant access to massages. Whenever players feel a little bit tense, they can have one of the team’s massage therapists work on them. Not only does massage therapy keep players’ muscles loose and reduce their stress levels, but it also helps them to recover faster.
The body needs two things to recover from exertion, food and rest. MLB players do everything they can to get the rest they need to play well. Their teams always book them into luxurious hotels so that they can sleep well when they are playing on the road. They fly them around in chartered planes so that they can sleep in comfortably reclined positions. Players always focus on getting enough sleep during the season. If they have a late night, they will sleep in to make up for it. They also take plenty of naps in the clubhouse to keep them fresh for their next game.
Avoiding Smoking
Smoking is not a healthy vice, but many big league ballplayers used to smoke because it helped them stay relaxed and focused. Most avoid smoking these days, but plenty of players still use tobacco products. Many players use chewing tobacco to enjoy the effects of nicotine without having to inhale smoke. In recent years, many players have started using an e cigarette starter kit as an alternative to tobacco.
Baseball is a game where flexibility is incredibly important. Players are constantly pushing their bodies during games to leap, run, throw and hit. If they are not flexible, it is easy for them to strain their muscles. That is one reason so many MLB players are turning to yoga to help them handle the rigors of the long season. As well as helping them improve their flexibility, yoga also allows players to recover more quickly from games. Yoga is also wonderful for helping players to relieve the stress that builds up over the course of so much travel and competition.
The game of baseball is as much a mental one as a physical one, and the mental grind of a 162-game season can be intense. For players to perform well, they need to do things to help their minds stay fresh. Many baseball players use daily meditation to help them reduce stress and stay mentally sharp.
When players take care of themselves, they will be much likelier to play well throughout each season and over the course of their careers. Even staying healthy for the course of a season is an accomplishment in the game. Each player needs to take personal responsibility for keeping their bodies and minds ready for every game throughout the season. By using the techniques above, players are able to handle the stress of the long MLB season.