2019 Top 100 Influencers of Human Resources

Business, Media
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Human Resources is a growing field that is beginning to expand and inspire change across a facet of companies and job-types. This year, Engagedly is excited to announce its third annual list of Top 100 Influencers within HR. Learn more about them here https://engagedly.com/top-100-hr-influencers-of-2019/

“Individuals were selected through a data-driven process that analyzed and scored success in five defining categories. The top influencers were identified based on an individuals’ recency, frequency, and relevance in relation to their social media presences, speaking and writing engagements, and innovative contributions to the field. This year we also accounted for diversity as a key driver in identifying the key influencers as well,” said Julia Medoff, research at Engagedly.

We want to emphasize that this list is not in any specific rank or order. Individuals have been grouped based on the type of work they have most notably been involved with like HR Tech, Analytics and Strategy, Leadership and Development, Talent Acquisition, Organizational Development, and Total Rewards. These categories are in no way intended to minimize the entirety of these influencers’ careers. HR is an industry that is growing in all directions, and it is difficult to perfectly formulate a process that will recognize all HR professionals that are doing credible work.

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