Government- an Active Part of Examining the Sharing Economy

Reading Time: 4 minutes

When the sharing economy has become such a huge matter of discussion all over the world, even the Government decided to take the matter as a significant one. This led to a number of the results that were determined with the involvement of the Government. The sharing economy is becoming a serious problem because it is not centeredon a particular place but has become a major aspect all around the world.



In the year 2014, the Federal Government launched an attempt that would make a research on the theory of the sharing economy which was directly headed by the Deputy Ministers Committee on Policy Innovation. The innovations that were found were so interesting that the department decided to continue the processes and this is what the outcomes suggested.

Programme- in order to make this program a successful one, some of the population of Canada was involved. Besides the citizens, some of the public servants were also chosen. The collaborative study on the matter included some of the special topics:

  • The virtual and the social media tools were used. Use of social networking sites included the Google Drive, GCConnex, and Twitter.
  • The pre-established networking systems were then diagnosed that included the Mars Studio Y and CSI, HSB and Institute on Governance. The centers were at different places like Toronto, Ottawa,and many others.
  • Face to face interactions was also devised like meetings. Some meetings were also held in Toronto and Ottawa.

The nontraditional ways of the research that were designed had to go through different phases. Some phases were in the form of the obstacles like the time limitation and some resources which included huge costs for setting the research. But besides the obstacles, there were also opportunities which could make the research a successful one.



The sharing economy has been uplifted so much because it is a step ahead of evolution. It sets aside the contemporary fashion economy. The transactions that are carried out under the sharing economy are all in the virtual world where the payments are paid instantly. So, these jobs are friendlier to both the companies as well as the consumers.

Though trust is a great notion that needs attention, people find the social networking sites like the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram a better platform to place their trust.








The term “sharing economy” has been coined after thinking a lot about its objectives. This is totally technically driven, which has been as a response to the pre-existing industrial pattern which included the networking on the basis of trust.

The scenario has changed a bit. The shares are now being shred in the form of individuals or teams who are sharing, meaning they are giving, taking, loaning, hiring and almost doing everything of such sort with any number of strangers.

The belief has been put in the strangers by the largest platform of innovation which is termed as the “social networking” and in a broad manner “the social media”.therevolution is influenced by the digital markets, the technology that is totally location-based and is hence empowering more to build a trust. There are a very few people who are ready to deter away from this chosen path.

Goods being shared- the process of sharing has been with a plenty of articles. These include transportation articles like the rides, bikes, cars,andairplanes. There are also accommodations like homes, gardens, places for working. The involvement is in the digital world to with the article like the music, videos,and even important files. Lifestyle products included are like the meals, activism, etc. there are also products that are shared in the field of utilities, educational aids, finance, assets, industrial services,and organizations.



The practices that are followed in the digital world are enough to destroy some of the valuable resources like the music, newspapers, and book publishers. This disturbance has been brought down due to the method of “sharing”. The sharing of the files throughout the websites packedon the Internet has made the loss of the aesthetic values. What is not being shared? Thelittle story books to the huge chemical labs. This, in turn, brings unemployment. When everything is being done in the digital world, there are a less number of laborers needed to work in theindustries. The payments are reducing. In the online world, people are often hired for completing tasks with few wages. This has brought a spur in taxes. This is being done in order to be an answer to the prevailing economic status.

Moreover, the interesting thing about this economy is that there is never a practice of training the employees. They are being chosen to present their skills within low payments and without any judgment of the qualities. This is how the qualities of an individual are neither respected. The workers are having no code of conduct or even some responsibility. Thequalities of the real people are taken advantage and are not repeated. If this continues, in the near future there will be a rise of the winners and the losers.



This has been a great topic of controversy. Thecontroversy began with a minute examination of each and every point that this economy actually focuses on. More than sharing, the focus is on the “digital” systems. So, rather it is right to join the economy as “peer to peer”, “capitalistic” in nature. One can never deny that there is partiality in this field. The partiality and disruption of the resources are the two important points that have been sticking to the economic standards. More than sharing, it is also about monopoly where each and everyone desire to be the superpower.


The sharing economy is a matter of concern not only in Canada but also around the world. The key aspect is that the digital world of industries can never be bounded to a certain location. Moreover, the measurement of this economy has the least match with the prior industrial transactions. There are alternatives to the currency type which include the markings determined by the use of bitcoins, solar coins. Some measurements are also being done in the form of scores or rather credits. So, if this continues to be the scenario, it can hamper the entire coding of transactions all over the world.



The assessment is yet not clear about what to be concluded regarding the sharing economy. It has both merits and demerits of it. The merits and the demerits on an overall basis can be made clear when the reviews can be made by surveying itsstatus in many other countries. TheGovernment needs to take strictsteps to hold the limit of the economy to check it scans.

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