American Psychiatric Association’s Promotion of Electroshock Vs Facts and Logic

Lifestyle, Media
Reading Time: 2 minutes


Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Linda Lagemann, a national expert on the damage being done in our society by the “mental health” field.

Electroshock (ECT) is up to 460 volts of electricity shot through the brain to intentionally cause a massive seizure. It has never submitted to clinical trails to prove safety or efficacy and the FDA has not required that it do so. There is no other device that has such a track record of damage and heated controversy that has gotten away with this. Note to FDA: You need to clean up!

Extensive and permanent memory loss, disorientation, confusion, headaches, apathy, lowered IQ, and death are some of the side effects of ECT.

The use of electricity on people came about in 1938, after two psychiatrists observed workers in a slaughterhouse applying electricity to the temples of pigs. The shocks stunned the pigs into being docile and made it easier to slit their throats. That is the fact of how ECT was conceived.

Depending on which decade of psychiatry you look at, the seizure is claimed to drive out “bad brain cells,” drive out mental illness, or, currently, to “reset” or “reboot” the brain. Psychiatrists have promoted different “theories” using language tailored for the people and culture of each time period. That’s marketing, not science.

Despite psychiatry’s claim that ECT prevents suicide, a claim used to justify this damaging experiment, actual studies show a 13 times higher suicide rate after electroshock.

Corruption, fraud, conflicts of interest, and a $5.4 billion electroshock industry in the United States in desperate need of reform.

  • CCHR website: Go to to see the trailer for the CCHR documentary on electroshock. The website has the countdown to the Premier.

Linda Lagemann is a national expert on the damage being done in our society by psychiatry and psychology — the “mental health” profession. She has been interviewed on radio shows across the country, advised on legislation, been interviewed on court TV, been a contributor on Huffington Post, and was featured in the independent documentary The Big Lie: American Addict 2.

The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. He is Editor at Large for this site.  Learn more about the show and its digital partners at



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