Are INTJs Drawn to INFPs?

Lifestyle, Technology
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kevin Price, Editor at Large for USA Business Radio and Host of the Price of Business Show, has recently become hooked on Quora.  In addition to daily hosting the Price of Business, Kevin has numerous writing obligations on this and other sites for which he serves as an editor and with his syndicated column, so we decided that if he’s going to write at Quora, he is going to share that content on this website.  If you are on Quora, make sure to follow Kevin.  You can check out his page here.

Kevin’s hot topics on Quora are history, free market economics, philosophy, and Myers Briggs typology, and many others.  The following is one of his recent answers to the question in the title.

I would say that INFPs make excellent friends and confidants to INTJs. I only have a couple, but I really enjoy them. My favorite friend “type” is the INFJ, but they have many complementary aspects (NOT SIMILAR) to INFJs, so I should not be surprised by the attraction.

Key words that describe the INFP are curious, idealistic, flexible, and understanding.

Meanwhile, the simple description for the INFJ could be summed up as one who seeks to understand ideas and people. They are organized, clear, and decisive.

Finally, the INTJ (“Mastermind”) may be summed up as one who is driven, organized, independent, has high standards, and is creative.

One can easily see the “hand and glove” fit between the INTJ and INFJ. The INTJ shares the commitment to order (organized) and the ability to be clear and decisive sits well with the very independent (and driven) INTJ. Most importantly, INTJs often feel like aliens. We feel like strangers in a strange land that are often disparaged with the perception of being friendless, without emotions, or simply cruel. Many of those descriptions are found in questions on Quora. The INFJ’s commitment to understanding others and their admiration for ideas (which is huge to INTJs), makes the relationship very rich for both.

INFP’s, on the other hand, are almost like a playground to the INTJ. INFPs are a great resource for bantering ideas (curious). The INTJ loves to examine (and find flaws) in the INFP’s idealism. INTJs enjoy the INFP’s propensity to be willing to do different things, letting the INTJ be in the driver’s seat (which they do not always relish, but like to have the opportunity afforded to them). Finally, INFPs tendency to be understanding to others make them a safe people for the INTJ to interact.

My only irritation with the INFP is that they can wander all over the place in their pursuit of a conversation and often abandon the great one we are already having. Also, they often get stuck in their idealism, which make it difficult to find reasonable positions. However, there is still plenty of room for the INTJ and INFP to engage and enjoy one another. I’m not at all surprised you are a great person for INTJs to visit with. The main reason is… (read more and, while there, look at Kevin’s other content and follow him on Quora).

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