BarxBuddy Review: What You Need To Know About This Anti-Barking Device

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When you have a dog in the home, they can bring a lot of joy to your family. But like any family member, a dog can come with its own personality quirks, of course. One of the more annoying traits a dog can possess is excessive barking.  

Whether it’s a new puppy that you bring home, or a loveable pooch you’ve had in the family for years, they can all bark excessively, which can be a true headache.

A new anti-barking device is changing the game for dog owners everywhere. It’s called BarxBuddy, and it’s helping owners retrain their dog in a safe and effective way. Here’s what you need to know about this anti-barking device.

It’s simple and safe to use

I love that this device is simple and safe to use. It’s small and handy, and when your dog starts barking excessively, you press the button on the gadget. This emits a high-pitched tone which doesn’t harm your dog, but which gets their attention. It’s also not audible to humans, so you don’t have to worry about being annoyed by the noise yourself. 

Once you have your dog’s attention, you can have them sit quietly and calm down. Once they’re calm, you can reward them with a treat or other positive reinforcement. The BarxBuddy helps you create teachable moments, to train away unfortunate habits

It’s portable

The BarxBuddy anti-barking device is small and lightweight and is designed to be portable. You can easily take it on walks, for example. You can also leave several of them around the house, and even in the car, so you always have one nearby for when a training opportunity arises.

Worried if BarxBuddy will be a good investment? We suggest checking out this article on which elaborates more on reasons why you should consider moving forward with purchasing BarxBuddy for yourself.  

It’s brings the training into the home

One of the biggest problems with dog training is that it’s not usually accessible to the average dog owner. You typically take your dog to outside training classes, and have an instructor lead the training. This can get expensive very quickly, and in my experience, this training isn’t always effective, because it’s done in a controlled environment.


When you get back into the home, it’s hard to keep the training consistent, and to have every family member participate in the same way. With the BarxBuddy, you’re in control of your training, and it’s easy for everyone in your household to train your pup the same way.

It’s multipurpose

BarxBuddy isn’t just for excessive barking. It’s also for any habits or behaviors you want to train out of your dog. It can also be used as a personal safety device. If you encounter aggressive dogs or other animals on your walks, you can use your BarxBuddy anti-barking device to ward them off, and keep yourself and your dog safe.

It’s important to note that there might be an initial learning curve for getting a feel of the device which you can read more about in this article:

Overall, there are many reasons why people who own dogs love BarxBuddy. It’s a fantastic device and we suggest you check it out and consider purchasing one today. 

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