CBN Launches 40-Day, 50-State “Support Americas Campaign through Prayer”

Lifestyle, Politics
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By CBN, Special for USDR

The Christian Broadcasting Network is launching a 40-day nationwide campaign, asking its viewers and partners to pray for America. Prayer themes of the campaign include repentance, forgiveness, seeking the Lord, unity as a people, and protection and blessing for our nation.

CBN Founder and Chairman Pat Robertson says, “Together, we can change America. An individual who prays and humbles himself before God can change the course of a nation. Your prayers are so important and together we can make an eternal difference. It is time to wake up and recognize the power God has placed in our hands, and give our all to the purposes of God.”

“CBN’s goal is to ignite a national chorus of prayer for our country,” adds CBN CEO, Gordon Robertson, “a movement represented by millions of people from all 50 states, crying out to God in unison during the 40-day Pray for America  campaign.”

Beginning September 5 through October 14, The 700 Club, CBN’s flagship program, will feature a daily prayer for our nation as part of its regular programming.

Supporters can visit to pledge to pray and receive a free prayer pack. The prayer pack includes a “PRAY” bumper sticker, prayer guide, door hanger, and postcard. In addition, the site will feature national and international CBN staff praying for America, every hour on the hour, throughout the 40 days. Online visitors can pledge to pray, check the progress of the campaign, and also sign up to receive a daily prayer devotion featuring a guided prayer guide for the campaign.

Visit for more information on this national event and participants are encouraged to post to social using the following hashtags: #50IN40  #PledgetoPray  #PledgeYourProfile

“Ultimately, our greatest need is not the election of any individual politician to save us, but for us to put our real Savior, Jesus Christ, at the center of our national life again. We need a revival in America,” says Gordon Robertson.

Christian Broadcasting Network is a multifaceted nonprofit organization that provides cable, broadcast, satellite and online programming to approximately 200 countries around the world. CBN and its affiliated organizations aim to report the news of the day from an informed Christian perspective. For more than 50 years, CBN has continued to grow in both size and scope as a leading voice in Christian broadcasting, media and communications by utilizing cutting-edge technology in every area of its operation.

SOURCE The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)

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