Creating a Work/Life Balance

Business, Lifestyle
Reading Time: 2 minutes

My husband and I owned a restaurant back in the early 80s. I thought owning a business would be fun – you can set your own hours, make decent money, maybe even create something lasting for your children. One year later, I was joking to my friends that owning a restaurant was like being in prison: if you want to see your friends, they have to visit you, and it’s almost impossible to leave. The day we sold the restaurant was one of the best days of my life!

I learned from that experience. I have been self- employed for most of my life, and the restaurant taught me the value of maintaining a balance between work and life. All work and no play not only makes Jack a dull boy; it also makes a business owner susceptible to burnout. It takes a lot of hard to work to make a business successful, but it will be much harder to sustain your business for the long term if you ignore the fact that you need a life.

Pamper Yourself

When your business is just getting off the ground, and maybe even for years after, you may find it difficult to leave for several days at a time. Even if you can’t get away for an actual vacation, you will find that a day, or even a half day of relaxation can refresh you and make you more productive. If you are in New York, take a trip to Tribeca in Manhattan for a new hairstyle. Even if your business has you toiling away in front of a computer in your home 12 hours a day, taking the time to look your best makes you feel happier.

If you are in a business in which it is important for you and your employees to look put together and professional, you may find Henry Segal clothing suppliers in Irvington a good fit for your needs.

Sometimes, even a lunch out with friends can break up the monotony of your work day and leave you with more energy to tackle the dozens of projects awaiting your attention.

When Your Hobby Becomes Your Job

Isn’t it everyone’s dream to make a living doing what they love? It is, but something can happen when your hobby becomes your job. Once you have to do it every day, you might end up losing some of your love for it. Many dancers start their own studios or teach classes like those offered at locations like Long Island’s Ballroom of Huntington, but find themselves reluctant to go out dancing for fun after teaching all day. To maintain or revitalize your love for your former hobby, resist that feeling. Plan an evening, weekend, or day to pursue your hobby just like you did before you started doing it as a business. Without the pressure of having to make money, you will remember why you loved it in the first place.

Spend A Little Money

Money is often tight in a small business. Your profit margin may be slim, and you may feel like you can’t afford to hire someone to take some of your workload. Even if you can’t afford a full-time employee, hiring temporary people for large projects will reduce your stress level considerably. A freelance virtual assistant can also take on some of the tasks that bog you down, like data entry, research, or mass mailings, freeing up some well deserved “you time.”


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