Featuring “50 Great Ways to Live Longer”
By AARP, Special for USABR
From pills that harm and cancer beaters to where you should consider living and why the ripeness of your fruit matters, AARP Bulletin releases a fascinating health package that reveals brand new insight into what helps or hinders human longevity. Genetics account for just 25 percent of a person’s longevity. The rest is up you! Check out this month’s Bulletin cover story “Live Longer! 50 Proven Ways To Add Years To Your Life” that includes the ultimate list of tips and tricks to live longer.
Each year, ten percent of the overall Medicare budget is lost to fraud and costs taxpayers $60 billion. In an exclusive investigation titled, “Medicare Fraud’s New Face,” AARP unveils how immigrants are being targeted in multimillion-dollar schemes to steal federal tax dollars. According to the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, there have been 2,185 criminal indictments since March 2007, and 75,050 calls were made to the fraud hotline between October 2015 and March 2016.
How Much Would You Spend To Keep Your Pet Healthy?
A healthy pet costs you just a few hundred dollars a year. But when Fido or Fluffy get gravely sick or injured, the bills can jump to tens of thousands of dollars. Knowing when it’s sensible to spend the money is one of the toughest decisions a pet owner will ever face. The March issue of AARP Bulletin offers compassionate expert advice on how to handle your pet’s larger health challenges. Plus: seven ways to save on veterinary costs without sacrificing quality of care.
Get Prepared for Rising Interest Rates
After years of historically low interest rates, a series of increases to mortgage, savings and other borrowing rates could affect your finances. AARP Bulletin offers a full guide for consumers on what it could mean for them, plus how to prepare and protect themselves.
Scam Speak: Learn the Terms Con Artists Use
Fraud expert Sid Kirchheimer offers an A-Z lexicon of larceny in the March issue of AARP Bulletin, including all the terms used today by scammers trying to get rich quick along the way, unveiling many of the most prevalent scams happening right now. Did you know a “Ghosting” is the term for identity theft of a deceased person?
A Less Taxing Retirement
Fewer deductions, bewildering rules and quarterly payments make retirement taxes surprisingly complicated. AARP Bulletin shares five of the top challenges for post-retirement filing and offers solutions for each to file easier and save more.
10 Ways to Sneak Fitness Into Your Day
No time for exercise? Every day is packed with opportunities to sneak in a little fitness– no gear, clothes changes or hassle involved. AARP Bulletin’s March issue includes what might be the world’s first invisible workout routine: how to exercise your whole body when standing in line!
Learn more at http://www.aarp.org/bulletin/. Interviews with AARP’s experts are available upon request.
About AARP Bulletin
The definitive news source for AARP’s members, AARP Bulletin (http://www.aarp.org/bulletin/) reaches more than 23.5 million households each month in print, with additional news and in-depth coverage online. Covering health and health policy, Medicare, Social Security, consumer protection, personal finance, and AARP state and national news developments, AARP Bulletin delivers the story behind the key issues confronting 50+ America. The monthly consumer-oriented news publication has become a must-read for congressional lawmakers and Washington opinion leaders, and it provides AARP members with pertinent information they need to know.
About AARP
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million that helps people turn their goals and dreams into ‘Real Possibilities’ by changing the way America defines aging. With staffed offices in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP works to strengthen communities and promote the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare security, financial security and personal fulfillment. AARP also advocates for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name. As a trusted source for news and information, AARP produces the world’s largest circulation magazine, AARP The Magazine and AARP Bulletin. AARP does not endorse candidates for public office or make contributions to political campaigns or candidates. To learn more, visit www.aarp.org or follow @aarp and our CEO @JoAnn_Jenkins on Twitter.