For Eastern Europe Safer: Missile Defense

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By IQPC, Special for USDR

With extensive aggression coming from the East combined with a rapid increase in varied and unexpected threats from non-state actors in the Middle East, Eastern Europe is once again taking on the role as Europe’s front line defender. With this in mind, key regional actors are intensifying the command and control of their airspace to protect against ballistic and non-ballistic missiles as well as unauthorised foreign aircraft.

Such prioritisation has seen nations such as Romania actively strive to hit NATO’s 2% defence spending target through the extensive acquisition of new airborne threat detection, inception and communication systems. In addition to the modernisation of legacy capabilities, regional integration is becoming a pillar of Eastern Europe’s air defence strategy. Designed to spread capability across the region such collaboration will ensure all nations are protected against these very real threats despite their location, allies and air defence capabilities. With this in mind, the Romanian Armed Forces are assisting Defence IQ’s 2nd Integrated Air and Missile Defence Eastern Europe conference to provide regional allies and industry leaders a forum to learn, share the lessons learned from recent air defence operations.

The conference will bring together over 150 Defence Ministers, Chiefs of Staff, Commanders of Air Defence, Heads of Procurement and Industry Executives.

Integrated Air and Missile Defence 2016 will include participation from all the major actors in the Eastern European Region, who will share experiences and will work towards closer co-operation, this year the event looks set to be bigger than everSimon Wigfield, Conference Director

Speakers at this industry forum will include:

Download the full programme here:  call +44(0)20-7036-1300 or email

Sponsors Include:

  • Rhienmettall Defence
  • Ultra Electronics
  • MEADS International
  • Diehl Defence
  • Rafael
  • GM Spazio


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