Global FoodBanking Accelerate Progress to Fight Against Hunger

Lifestyle, Media
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today, The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN) announced that food banking organizations served more than 9 million people facing food insecurity, greatly surpassing a target set in early 2017 meant to accelerate the fight against hunger.

The “8 Million by 2018” campaign was launched two years ago, shortly after global hunger rates began to increase.  At that time, food banks served by GFN provided meals for 6.8 million people, yet many believed that they could do much more in their communities with greater resources and stronger partnerships.  The “8 Million by 2018” campaign was a two-year effort that brought together knowledge, food and financial partners to expand food banking service to more than 2 million people facing hunger.

“Our network set an ambitious goal to reach more people through food banking than ever before. Because of the incredible leadership and innovation of the organizations we serve around the world, more people facing hunger have access to safe and nutritious meals thanks to a local food bank,” said Lisa Moon, GFN President and Chief Executive Officer.

The food banking model is a community-based solution to hunger which distributes meals through local charities by recovering wholesome, surplus food.  Currently, GFN is present in 30 countries and distributes food and grocery product to more than 55,000 beneficiary organizations through a network of more than 800 food banks globally.

The service expansion to more than 2 million people facing hunger in two years is a testament to the commitment and creativity of the food banks within the network. GFN supported the strong leadership of these organizations by offering technical assistance, grants and connections to global players to help food banks build the capacity to procure more food and reach more people in underserved communities.

Unfortunately, the number of people facing chronic hunger climbed from 815 million to 821 million people since the ‘8 Million by 2018’ goal was set, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

“There are still so many more people across the globe that food banking has the potential to reach,” explained Moon. “I hope this campaign is just one step of many in the fight against hunger.”


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