Here Are Sal Shakir’s Insights On Overcoming Financial Barriers & Gaining Freedom

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Everybody wants to become financially independent. But why is it that only very few get there? One thing for sure is that success doesn’t just happen. It starts with having a plan and taking the necessary steps to reach your goals. In this article, we are going to discuss not only how to take the right steps to gain financial freedom, but also how to seize opportunities that come your way.

Sal Shakir is a self-made millionaire, who immigrated to America from Iraq and presumed the American Dream. He owns multiple businesses, including car dealerships and real estate investments. His journey is an inspirational one, working from odd jobs as a migrant to now helping other business entrepreneurs succeed. He shares his insights to help you get going in the right direction towards becoming financially stable and gaining both financial and time freedom.

  1. It Doesn’t Matter Where You Are Now.

While you may think that the odds are not in your favour, it is important to remember that even the most successful ones started from somewhere. Take Sal Shakir’s story, for instance, he came to America, not even knowing how to speak in English. He did odd jobs like painting fences and in dry cleaning services. However, this did not stop him from working towards becoming better. The most important thing about becoming financially successful is to have a dream and work towards it—no matter where you are right now.


  • Reinvent Yourself


Working on your dreams is not a straightforward process, like moving from one point to another. There are going to be challenges along the way and a lot of unprecedented twists and turns. However, having a positive outlook about things will shape your course to success. When faced with challenges, use them to learn and build yourself. It is paramount that you keep developing yourself, learn new skills, and set new targets that push you in the short-term. By pursuing to be better every day, you will eventually gain traction and achieve milestones that you never knew you could. Sal knows all too well the importance of growing yourself. He has developed skills in entrepreneurship and is now a business guru. He has learnt, tested and implemented new skills in many business ventures that he has started to get to where he is now.


  • Recognize & Seize Opportunities


There is always a silver lining to everything. Even in challenging situations, you will find opportunities to learn, improve or start something new, if you keep a positive attitude. Sal Shakir currently runs over 26 businesses in total. How does he do this – one would wonder? Well, it is all about recognizing and seizing opportunities that are present. Simply not second-guessing the opportunities, but analyzing the risks and benefits to guide you make decisions. It is also taking new challenges and pushing yourself to make a difference where you can. You will find success if you make it your mission not to miss opportunities that are open to you.


  • Determination & Hard Work


If you want to overcome financial barriers, then you must be willing to put in the work and single-mindedly push towards achieving success. The truth is, success doesn’t just happen. And many are the times where you will have to go over and above the normal duties to be different from the pack. Sal’s advice is that hard work is part of success, and determination will keep you moving even when you have nobody to motivate you but yourself. Zig Ziglar says that ‘if you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.’ So in many parts, how successful you become will largely depend on your own contribution, and not anybody else.

The Bottom Line

Overcoming financial barriers helps you to gain the freedom to live life in your own terms. Living without worrying about how you will pay your next bill, or who you have to work for under what terms. While this may seem like an unreachable dream for many, it is very much within your reach if you are determined, open to opportunities and continually develop your skills to be the best version of yourself no matter where you are now.

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