How a Bias Media Harms the Country
Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed famed attorney John O’Connor.
Today more than ever we need a media that does not approach every story with a preconceived bias. The problem with media bias is not just that a story seems “slanted” or biased. Rather it is that this bias naturally leads to deceit. It is fraud under the law to conceal material facts while speaking on a topic. This deceit, per O’Connor’s book Postgate: How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat, Covered up Watergate, and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism, it is natural once a media outlet determines it is a political power and political player.
In times of war or existential crisis, faith in leadership is crucial. Even though FDR did some amazingly stupid things, like the National Recovery Act, he inspired faith. That was key, as was faith in Churchill in 1940. O’Connor argues that “Yet the media, as in their dishonesty about Russiagate and Ukrainegate, as began in Watergate, has done little else other than try to carp on Trump. They refuse to criticize Cuomo even though a quarantine, by the media’s own logic, would recognize the seriousness of the situation, and Cuomo fought it. While doing so, as one example, they neglect that a NY health official told the public early on that they should not let the pandemic stop their parade attendance and club and restaurant patronage. The media focuses on slow distribution of ventilators, while concealing that it is the primary duty of the states. California had 41000 masks that had expired without replacement. Whose fault is that?”
The Founding Fathers said a free and unfettered press was a remedy of toxic factionalism, because it would publicize all facts. Our present media do not present all facts, and cause rather than remedy factionalism and mobocracy.
According to PostGateBook.com “O’Connor served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney in Northern California from 1974-1979, representing the United States in both criminal and civil cases. Among his interesting assignments have been representation of the government during the OPEC oil embargo of the 1970s; writing Fifth Amendment and “state of mind” briefs for the prosecution in United States v. Patricia Hearst; representing the FDIC, FSLC and RTC during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s; representing California Attorney General Dan Lungren in campaign-related litigation; defending R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in significant smoking and health litigation; representing Coach Don Nelson in litigation with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban; and representing W. Mark Felt regarding the revelation of his identity as Deep Throat.”
The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. Learn more about the show and its digital partners at www.PriceofBusiness.com (scroll down to the bottom of the page).