How Conservatives Using a Social Media for Petitions

Politics, Technology
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By StandUnited, Special for USDR

StandUnited, an online petition platform that is leveling the playing field for supporters of individual liberty, free enterprise and limited government, today announced an upgrade that will allow its users to more easily share their petitions with friends and family on Facebook. One-click signing allows users to share and sign petitions directly from Facebook.

“Technology has changed the way we participate in politics. Social media has become one of the best ways to share and promote your cause,” said Paul Van Remortel, senior product manager at Intermarkets, StandUnited’s parent company. “By incorporating one-click signing on Facebook, we’ve made it even easier to gain support for issues you care about by allowing friends and family to sign your petition without ever leaving Facebook.”

This is just one in a series of updates that aim to take grassroots activism to the next level. Over the course of the next year, StandUnited will roll out additional improvements that will make effecting change at the local, state and federal levels through online petitions easier and more effective than ever.

Since launching in 2015, StandUnited has hosted more than 1,000 petitions that have together earned more than 730,000 signatures. Their Facebook page has surpassed 1 million likes and continues to grow following the addition of one-click signing. Top organizations such as the Republican National Committee, Judicial Watch, Americans for Tax Reform, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have adopted the StandUnited platform for their petitions.

Successful national campaigns petitioned Congress to repeal the Medical Device Tax created under ObamaCare, reject new trade agreements that harmed American workers, and demand that Hillary Clinton turn over her private email server, among others. At the state level, grassroots activists in Portsmouth, Va., used the StandUnited platform to successfully save the city’s Confederate War Memorial. More recently, a StandUnited petition was victorious in declaring President Obama’s executive actions on immigration unconstitutional, following a Supreme Court decision to block those plans.

Other popular campaigns have included petitions to support term limits for Congress, to reform the criminal justice system, to honor first lady Nancy Reagan, to fight the federal takeover of education and oppose Common Core, to build the Keystone Pipeline.

SOURCE StandUnited

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