How is Online Onboarding Useful?

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How is online client onboarding useful?

The client onboarding process marks the beginning of a new business and client relationship. The way you and your management handles the onboarding process lays the groundwork for your future. A good onboarding will make the client happy and assured, while a lousy onboarding can create doubts in the client’s head or, worse, make them leave.

As times are changing and the pandemic made people stay in, online client onboarding is becoming a new norm. The onboarding process through the website, mobile application, or other means involves easy steps for the clients and gives the business a solid chance to make a good impression.

The aim of online client onboarding:

  • Start a digital sales channel.
  • Effective feedback process.
  • Offer clients discount coupons for future purchases.
  • Share insight about the new product.
  • Newsletter emails and updates about upcoming products.

How is online client onboarding useful?

The old client/customer onboarding required a massive time and money input on behalf of the company. The face to face process included a salesperson guiding the client through the company’s services. They demonstrate how the product works, negotiating product discounts on the existing or additional products. The salesperson also has to maintain a positive engagement so that the client repeatedly buys from the company.

Here are some benefits of online client onboarding:

Two-way communication channel

Using a well-placed communication channel such as a customer support system, a client can reach the company any time within minutes. Through an online window, the company can address and resolve a client’s grievances instantly, and that’s how most people want the service. It does not cost much to set up a remote two-way communication channel, and they can use an automated chatbot. The sales team can also schedule emails to maintain a flow.

Effective Cost-saving

 From the above point, online client onboarding does not require printing brochures, sending salespeople door-to-door, or other methods. When dealing with your marketing strategy digitally, all you have to do is set up a social media page. Interacting with your audience and addressing their doubts require virtually zero cost.

Lead Generation

Once a customer purchases your product or agrees to work with you, the customer onboarding can help lead generation. To make the most of this opportunity, the sales team must acknowledge the client and show them how your product works and benefits them.

Retaining customers and ROI

Companies can benefit from their customer onboarding process and retain customers through improves customer experience. Several studies have shown that even a small margin increase in customer retention can vastly increase ROI.

Data analysis for better customer experience

Customer data can help determine the strategy to use when approaching clients from different demographics. Data involving various parameters about your clients like gender, location, age, etc., can help marketers have concrete plans according to different criteria. Such criteria like email opening rate, image click rate, and other details increase the probability of online customer onboarding.

Using Machine-Readable Zone during customer onboarding

Customer onboarding involves precise verification of the customer and identity check to ensure the client is right. The process consists of verifying different identity documents they provide before going ahead. A typical piece of an identity document is a passport that comes with Machine-Readable Zone. MRZ is a two-lined code that contains all the customer information, and only a machine can read it. It allows companies to keep their systems secure from fraudulent attacks. Companies like iDenfy have developed identity verification technology that helps other businesses during their onboarding process.

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