In Spite Enormous Pressure, Gun Advocate Plans to Give “Forbidden Speech”

Lifestyle, Politics
Reading Time: 2 minutes

An outspoken gun rights advocate from New Jersey says he will not be silenced, after a country club in the state’s conservative Morris County cancelled its agreement with a Republican women’s group, for featuring the activist as keynote speaker at an event.

Meet Scott Bach, Executive Director of the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs and New Jersey’s only sitting NRA board member.  Recently he was scheduled to address the Morris County Republican Women’s Club at its annual spring brunch on April 8 at the Spring Brook Country Club in Morristown, New Jersey, which has hosted the club’s event for over 10 years.

After a few but vocal gun-ban proponents tried to shut down Bach’s appearance by complaining to the country club, the club buckled and abruptly cancelled the event with less than two weeks’ notice, telling the women’s group president, Angelique Scholl, in a two-minute conversation that “it wasn’t good for the community.”

“Anti-gun zealots always say they want to have a ‘conversation’ about firearms, but what they really mean is they want to have a monologue,” said Bach.  “Free speech is only tolerated if you agree with them.  Otherwise, they try to censor you.”

“I will not be silenced or censored,” continued Bach, who is also a former member of law enforcement and grew up in New York City. “I carry a compelling message about personal protection, women’s empowerment, and freedom that is more relevant now than ever and needs to be heard by everyone,” Bach said. “Those who suppress free speech fear ideas that expose their own dishonesty. If indeed ‘the truth shall set you free,’ why would anyone want to stifle open discussion, which leads to truth?”

The women’s group was defiant, and secured another venue for the event within 24 hours.  “We will be proceeding with our spring brunch as planned on April 8 at the Birchwood Manor in Whippany, N.J. at 11:30 a.m.,” said Scholl.  “Our members are looking forward to hearing Scott Bach speak.  We will not be intimidated by those who are attempting to control the narrative on gun control.  We are concerned for both the safety of our children and our right to bear arms, and we believe we need to take a holistic approach to preventing school shootings.”

Political Correctness has been driving America’s conversation for years.  “Freedom of Speech” has largely become dangerously limited.  People are not being exposed to numerous worldviews and are marching, in essentially, an ideologically lockstep way.  The Second Amendment protects speech — particularly that which some deem “hate” — because it really is the only kind that demands protection.

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