Kevin Price’s “Adventures in Quora” Undergoes Changes

Business, Lifestyle, Technology
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kevin Price, Editor at Large for USA Business Radio and Host of the Price of Business Show, has been involved with Quora for quite some time.  In addition to hosting the Price of Business, Kevin has numerous writing obligations on this and other sites for which he serves as an editor and with his syndicated column.  Kevin has decided to ask questions on Quora on a regular basis, in addition to answer questions.  He would love for his friends on other social media to chime in and answer those questions.   You can check out his page here.

Here are some recent questions Kevin has asked, we’d love your feedback at Quora:

Facebook relationships lead to dating….

I know people who date via Facebook with people they have never met in person. They won’t see others and treat it like an exclusive relationship. In my mind, this is a formula for disaster, know of any success stories?

Facebook relationships as a substitute for real ones…

It seems to me that FB relationships are pursued at the expense of real ones. How common is that the case and how big of a concern should it be?

Elon Musk, SpaceX, and a permanent presence on the moon…

The latest SpaceX success is getting lots of attention and Elon Musk is talking about a permanent presence on the moon, is this realistic and what is the realistic time frame on this if it is?

Marriage and the INTJ…

Marriage can be challenging for everyone, but they say particularly so for the INTJ? Why is it so hard for the INTJ and what can he/she do to make it easier?

Is the rise of documentaries as major motion pictures a fad or is it just the beginning…

2018 seems to be the year of the documentary, is this just a fad or should we expect them to continue to grow in influence and popularity?

Keep up with Kevin Price and all his Quora content here.


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