Make More Meaning for the Holidays

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An excellent present for the holidays would be the brief book “Making More Meaning.” This book tells the reader what is meaning and why and how to make it, mostly by specifying some main sources of meaning, for examples, quality relationships, a sense of community and fulfilling work.

The book’s author, Bob Lichtenbert, Ph.D., talks about this and his other book, “Making Meaning.”  This work develops fully for the first time the greatest idea. Bob’s insights can help the reader discover more purpose and fulfillment in her life.  His ideas, tips, and aphorisms (the latter two topics soon to be published in books) have already helped many people.

SAMPLE QUESTION FOR BOB: What is meaning, why do I need to make more of it for others and myself, and how can I do so?

Bob says that he was inspired to write about making meaning when he beheld his newborn son and thought that “I want my life to have meaning for him and others for their own sakes so that they will be able to live the fullest, richest and overall best lives that they can.”

Bob has also published 62 issues of his journal “The Meaning of Life” (which differs considerably from making meaning). A feature on this journal went viral and was reprinted in 35 other newspapers.

Making Meaning is a project that Bob has made in other ways than books and journals. For example, he has led monthly dialogues on developing making meaning and a philosophy of daily life for 26 years.

Bob plans to write a textbook on making meaning.

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