Management Migraines? Cure the Chaos. Proven Framework, New Twist.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series.

Greg Kaiser Sr.

Drowning in management problems? Frustrated by unmotivated employees, unclear communication, and failed strategy execution? You’re not alone.

Management Rescue offers a proven framework to combat these issues. This “how-to” book maps out solutions before you react in error, saving you time and stress.

Learn from the best: Author Greg Kaiser, a seasoned expert, has mentored over 1,000 managers. His structured, action-oriented framework focuses on 5 core activities: Planning, People, Directing, Measuring & Modifying, and Communicating. Mastering how these activities connect makes you a turbocharged manager.

Not just theory: Greg brings 40+ years of experience, starting from the mailroom and reaching COO. He’s overseen 10,000+ employees and executed a $1 billion restructuring. He understands your challenges!

Management Rescue provides:

  • Easy-to-understand format for quick learning
  • Actionable solutions to common problems
  • Foundation for further growth with Management Mastery services

Management Mastery offers a range of training, coaching, and consulting services designed to address your specific needs. Deepen your knowledge, master leadership skills, and gain the confidence to overcome imposter syndrome.

Greg’s approach is dynamic, insightful, and results-oriented. He uses relatable stories and practical exercises to keep you engaged and ensure you can immediately apply his teachings.

Stop struggling. Become the confident leader you were meant to be. Invest in your leadership journey with Greg Kaiser Sr. and watch your team and your business soar.


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