Manufacturing Workers Depend on a Strong Deal

Business, Media
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National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) President and CEO Dennis Darby released the following statement on NAFTA:

“Manufacturers in the United States and Canada firmly support moving forward at full speed to seize the opportunity to forge a new trade deal with the United StatesCanada and Mexico. There is an unprecedented volume of goods flowing between the three countries and significant integration of operations, which makes a trilateral agreement an imperative. Such an agreement secures the jobs of our manufacturing workers and strengthens the critical U.S.–Canada trading relationship. We must also stand together with our regional allies to ensure competitors like Chinado not reap the rewards of unfair anti-market trade practices. Because of our two countries’ nearly $700 billion trading relationship, our economies are inextricably linked, and our manufacturing workers depend on a strong deal that keeps us all growing and prospering for generations to come.”

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