Overcoming Negative Stereotypes

Business, Lifestyle
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Why did God invent lawyers? So real estate agents would have someone to look down on.” Every profession has its share of jokes, but some seem to attract more than others do. No matter how much we joke about lawyers, morticians, or used car salesmen, though, everyone will use the services of at least one of them in our lives. Some professions tend to attract press that is more negative and humor than others, but no matter what business you are in, you may have to deal with some negative stereotypes. There are several possible approaches to dealing with these.

Ignore them

Unless you believe your potential customers may have a mistaken impression about the nature of your business or service, the best approach may be to act as though the negative stereotype does not exist. Funeral directors or estate planning attorneys, for example, may find it preferable to convey a sense of compassion and dignity to their potential clients. If your clients trust you, they will not associate general negative stereotypes with you. An older gentleman I once knew had a habit of making negative comments about women in front of his young son. The man’s wife complained that their son could associate the negative comments with his own mother. Thereafter, the man would always add, “but not your mother,” when complaining about women (“all women care about is money, except your mother.”). Most voters claim to hate all politicians, but steadfastly vote for their own representatives over and over. If your business tends to attract jokes or negative press, you can convey the “but not us” message.

Correct Misconceptions

You may find it necessary to educate potential clients or customers about the nature of your business. If periodic internet searches reveal negative content about your type of business, you may want to concentrate on producing some positive content. A good SEO agency can help ensure that your customers will see positive content when they type in the keywords associated with your product or service. Your website or blog should also contain articles designed to educate customers and potential customers. Encourage potential customers to get more information about you, and provide enough educational material on your website to give them a good idea of who you really are.

Occasionally, the negative impression attaches not only to your industry but to your company. Disgruntled ex-employees, unhappy customers, and even competitors can ruin the reputation of a good business. Fortunately, a good SEO marketing plan can focus on repairing a company or individual’s damaged reputation. This may not happen overnight but can be accomplished through focused SEO marketing.

Have Fun With It!

Sometimes the best defense is a good offense. A popular television ad for a local bail bondsman features the owner of the company cheerfully saying, “We’ll get you out the door before the soap hits the floor!” Confronting a negative stereotype head-on and with a sense of humor may set a potential customer at ease, and may make you more relatable. Get them to laugh with you, as they say, and they will be less likely to laugh at you.

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