Safety Warning: Child on Child Sexual Assault

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In her new book, Exposed: The Dangers of Social Media in the Digital Age, Elle West details the risks unsuspecting children face today.  Many children are incapable of protecting themselves from violence and exploitation. The decision making and impulse control parts of a child’s brain aren’t fully developed, causing children to be more at risk.  Many kids are not taught to be aware of the underlying threats posed by predators on the web, or even with people they know and go to school with daily.

Schools are supposed to be a safe place for children, however there is a deep dark secret behind the walls. Child on child sexual assault is increasingly becoming more prevalent in schools (K-12). Many kids have become over stimulated because of the access to hardcore pornography. This has led to the assault of children at school in bathrooms, classrooms and isolated areas. Many times assaults are never reported by children, because they fear retaliation and bullying. What’s scary is that a parent may never know their child is being molested at school.

The essential factor in a child’s life is a parent who is actively involved. They need a window into their children’s world by becoming aware and educating themselves and their kids.

No matter the socioeconomic status or demographic of a child, all are at risk today! This is why it is so important that parents give their children the tools to protect themselves at all times.

The Dangers of Social Media include:

  • Dangerous Apps/Live streaming with strangers
  • Cyber bullying
  • Sexual exploitation/Sexting
  • Predators/Pedophiles
  • Addiction to Pornography, Gaming and the Internet
  • Human trafficking

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