Senator Leahy to Support MACCH in Honduras
By Office of U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, Special for USDR
Following is the reaction of Senator Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., ranking member, State Department and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, to the announcement that the U.S. Government will contribute $5.2 million as an initial contribution to the Support Mission against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH):
“This is an important first step in putting MACCIH on a solid financial footing. It is also a strong endorsement of MACCIH’s director, Juan Jimenez Mayor, who has already demonstrated that he takes his responsibilities seriously.
“The Honduran Government has sought to limit MACCIH’s mandate from the beginning, but the Honduran people have made clear that they are fed up with the corruption and impunity that have been tolerated and even encouraged by elites in that society for generations.
“The sincerity of the Honduran Government’s support for efforts to respond effectively to corruption and the appalling violence and poverty that have caused a flood of Hondurans to flee to the United States, will be judged in large measure by its cooperation with MACCIH and its acceptance of an independent, international investigation into the killings of Berta Caceresand other social activists and journalists.”
SOURCE Office of U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy