Tag: devices
The Internet of Things
Reading Time: 2 minutesTwenty-first-century humans connect with each other through the Internet, the complex web of personal, business, education, and government computers that communicate with each other constantly. Non-humans also communicate through their […]
For Devices, Convenience Outweighs Security
Reading Time: 3 minutesUniversity of Phoenix® today released the results of its summer travel cybersecurity survey, which found that while half of registered voters worry about cybersecurity risks while on vacation, 55 percent feel […]
NASA on Fire
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBy NASA, Special for USABR NASA has released its popular app for a new platform, Amazon Fire TV. This version joins previous releases of the app for iOS, Android and Apple […]
The District town of Siegburg Germany Makes Mobility a Way of Life
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy MobileIron, Special for USDR MobileIron (NASDAQ: MOBL), the stand-alone EMM leader, announced today that the district town of Siegburg has adopted MobileIron’s EMM platform as the secure foundation for transforming its bureaucratic […]