The Dominant Computer in US Schools

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Laptops and Chromebooks from Dell are the most widely used laptops and Chromebooks in U.S. K-12 schools, according to Deployment of Desktops, Laptops & Chromebooks in K-12 Schools2017a new report from Simba Information.

“The total installed base of desktops, laptops and Chromebooks in K-12 classrooms increased 13.3% from 2014 to 2016,” said Karen Meaney, a senior analyst in Simba Information’s Education Group. “That growth was driven by a steep increase in the number of Chromebooks, while the number of desktop and laptop computers owned or leased actually declined.”

When asked about the future of classroom computing, a majority of the educators surveyed for Deployment of Desktops, Laptops & Chromebooks in K-12 Schools 2017, believe that Chromebooks and tablets will be the primary classroom devices, with laptops a smaller factor moving forward.

Additional information on the report can be found at: or by calling 888-29-SIMBA.

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