The State of Crowdfunding And Where It’s Headed in 2021: Ron Sandman, Ideazon’s Chairman Shares His Insights

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How are you building your brand’s audience? Any entrepreneur knows that a successful business doesn’t just stop because of life-altering events like a pandemic. While Covid-19 might impact how we do business, it’s important to continue pushing through to do what’s right for our brands.

As one of the most reputable crowdfunding firms, Ideazon knows the importance of doing what’s right for your business no matter the platform. Ron Sandman, the chairman of Ideazon, is sharing his insights on the state of crowdfunding and where it’s headed in 2021.

Ron, why Crowdfunding?

Ron Sandman: If you are an entrepreneur who wants funding for your business then crowdfunding can be a lucrative option for you. In reality, crowdfunding generates billions of dollars every single year and has seen a dramatic increase in users on different platforms. 

Fundraising used to be a long and painful process for entrepreneurs, but crowdfunding has made it easier to secure funding.

What do you think about the saying “Work Remote, Live Global”

Sandman: If there’s anything that we’re learning in the year 2020, it’s how to live our lives in a more remote environment. Chances are, this won’t go away in the next few years for a number of reasons. 

Whether it’s a generalized concern around the post-pandemic world or simply preferring the ability to do so much from the comfort of your own home, the world has retreated to the digital realm… fast! It’s important that you utilize this shift to the advantage of your business. 

It’s not just about adapting to the remote world but thriving in it. By not only adapting but rising above the adversities of 2020, you are able to display confidence to your clients that you rise above, providing them with a message to believe in your product.

What can you say about innovation when it comes to crowdfunding?

Sandman: There’s no question that with everyone at home due to the pandemic, you can capture more audience. However, it’s also noteworthy to understand that this means you’ll work harder than ever before to capture your audience’s attention with so many companies turning to the internet.

Many of these companies have the same goal in mind: to broaden their brand’s audience. Due to this, your brand strategy will be more innovative than ever to stand out in the crowd with eye-catching copy, imagery, and voice.

Ideazon is a crowdfunding marketing agency that has been getting a lot of buzz recently for crowdfunding promotion and consulting. Are they the best crowdfund marketing agency? Find out:

What is your 2020 Strategy?

Sandman: While innovation is important, it’s also vital that you have a solid campaign strategy in place. By ensuring that you are posting your innovative content effectively using various platforms, understanding your audience’s needs, and taking advantage of SEO, you are setting your brand up for success on every level of your crowdfunding campaign’s efforts. 

Whether you’re looking for a way to replace lost funds or simply taking advantage of change to the benefit of increasing your business’ revenue, crowdfunding is a part of the future. With the industry growing by the day, it’s important to always stay ahead in order to grow your brand.

Images used with permission from Ideazon

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