The US is on Alert Following Bombs Sent to Obama, Clinton, CNN and Soros

Business, Media, Politics
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Several major liberal politicians and media outlets have had explosive devices sent to them.

According to a document obtained by USABR from the Secret Service:

“The U.S. Secret Service has intercepted two suspicious packages addressed to Secret Service protectees. Late on October 23, 2018, the Secret Service recovered a single package addressed to Former First Lady Hillary Clinton in Westchester County, New York. Early this morning, October 24, 2018, a second package addressed to the residence of Former President Barack Obama was intercepted by Secret Service personnel in Washington, DC. The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such. Both packages were intercepted prior to being delivered to their intended location. The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them. The Secret Service has initiated a full scope criminal investigation that will leverage all available federal, state, and local resources to determine the source of the packages and identify those responsible.”

This joins other news stories of devices sent to progressive philanthropist George Soros and to at least one media outlet — CNN.

UPDATE: Former CIA Director John Brennan, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), former Attorney General Eric Holder, and others have each received similar packages.  Read more here.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo made the following statement about the situation:

Governor Cuomo: “We are New Yorkers, we are smart, we are tough, we are resilient, and we will not allow these terrorist thugs to change the way we live our lives.”

Earlier today, Governor Cuomo held a briefing with Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD, and answered questions on the suspicious packages sent to offices and residences across the country.

VIDEO of Governor Cuomo’s remarks is available on YouTube here and in TV quality (h.264, mp4) format here.

AUDIO of Governor Cuomo’s remarks is available here.

A rush transcript of the Governor’s remarks is available below:

Thank you. thank you, Mayor. Thank you, Commissioner. First, let’s remember that we have the best police force and the best law enforcement agencies on the globe. And we want to thank the NYPD and the State Police and the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Secret Service, all who have worked closely together and are coordinated and we should take comfort in that level of professionalism that we have in the city and in this state. As everyone is aware, there have been a number of packages that have been received. Last night, the Secret Service detected a package at the residence of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton and notified the State Police and NYPD. We personally checked on the president’s residence in Chappaqua at about 4:30 this morning and everything was fine there. This morning, obviously, we have the CNN package and I want to echo the professionalism with which CNN has handled the situation and the cooperation they brought to the situation, so I would like to thank them for that.

This is the world we live in. Terrorism, the attempt to spread fear, is the world that we live in. It is heightened lately. The Mayor is exactly right. There are more tensions than usual, but this is the world we live in. also, a little perspective: the first terrorist attack in New York City was 1993, 25 years ago was the bombing of the World Trade Center. So in some ways, this is nothing new. We have lived with this for a long time. Actually, my father was governor at that time. This has been a circumstance of who we are and where we are. We are New York and we are an international icon and to some we’re an international target. Terrorism only works if you let it work. What they are trying to do is scare us and destabilize us and we will not allow that to happen. We are New Yorkers, we are smart, we are tough, we are resilient, and we will not allow these terrorist thugs to change the way we live our lives. They fail unless we allow them to win and we will not allow them to win. Now as the Commissioner said, you’ll see increased police presence from the NYPD, from the State Police, from the MTA Police, from the Port Authority Police. You shouldn’t be alarmed. There will be more police on subways, more police on the streets, more police at crossings. As the Mayor said, that’s not because we know any specific threat, it is just a precaution because we are smart and because we have the best talent on the globe when it comes to this. So we will take every precaution we can. But, we will not let terrorism win. Not today, not ever. Thank you.


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