Two Extreme Takes on the Supreme Court’s Support of Trump’s Travel Ban
There are actually many different positions on the President’s Travel Ban decision, but the following are among the more extreme (one very much for and the other definitely against). We are just quoting them, allowing you to come up to your own conclusions.
The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) regarding the Supreme Court decision upholding the Trump Administration’s ban on travel from certain countries that posed serious national security risks:
“President Trump’s decision to temporarily suspend immigration from high-risk countries was a common sense reaction to the new realities of terrorism. This temporary pause in immigration to the United States from dangerous regions of the world gives our government time to correct longstanding and mounting loopholes in the admissions process. This order reduces current risks and assures heightened national security moving forward.
“The president acted responsibly when he put the executive order in place. Likewise, the Supreme Court interpreted the law correctly and acted responsibly when it ruled the order to be constitutional. Today’s decision is a great victory for the security of the American people and for the rule of law.
“As FAIR has consistently noted, Congress has delegated to the president clear, unambiguous authority to suspend entry to any alien or class of aliens deemed detrimental to the interests of the United States.
“President Trump’s proclamation from September was narrowly tailored to address legitimate national security concerns identified by both his administration and those of his predecessor. This never was an issue of religious or racial bias, contrary to arguments by his opponents. Instead, the intent of the temporary pause in admission of citizens from nations deemed to harbor or support international terrorism was to ensure that we have the ability to effectively screen out those who might pose a danger.
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Meanwhile, NAFSA had a very different response.
“Today, the United States Supreme Court announced the decision to uphold the implementation of President Trump’s travel ban. The following is a statement by Jill Welch, Deputy Executive Director for Public Policy at NAFSA: Association of International Educators.
“The United States has prided itself on being a country that welcomes people from foreign lands on the founding premise of religious freedom and equal opportunity for all. The only way we can stand as a beacon of hope for all, regardless of religion or ethnicity, is if we continue to evolve toward a more perfect union whose policies fully represent these ideals. Today, we have taken a giant step backward as the Supreme Court ruled to uphold a ban perceived around the world as a thinly-veiled attempt to target Muslim-majority nations.
“Students from around the globe come here to study, research and grow in our world-class institutions because they believe that America offers freedom and the highest-quality education—and our nation has thrived because of our strength in diversity, not in spite of it. This is evidenced in the simple fact that almost half of all Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their children. Yet, despite this great legacy, today’s Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the travel ban tarnishes our reputation and casts doubt in the minds of all students and scholars around the world that the United States is a welcoming nation that fosters religion freedom. Today, they are wondering: ‘is the United States still the country where we will be welcomed, where we can study or build a business?’
“At a time when we should be making every effort to create connections and ties around the world through robust international exchange with all nations, especially those in the Middle East, the Supreme Court’s decision poses a grave threat to our national security and keeps us from building those necessary relationships abroad. While universities and colleges work tirelessly to welcome international students and scholars, the chilling effect of this policy and the uncertainty for our international students and scholars will undoubtedly continue the current downturn in U.S. international student enrollment as the world wonders whether America will hold true to our values. Today, the United States can be seen as a country that bans people from our shores, not on the basis of what they have done, but for where they are from.
“Now the responsibility lies with Congress to stop further emboldening this administration in its anti-immigrant, xenophobic path under the guise of national security. Voters will have an opportunity in November to demand that our elected officials stand for freedom, equality and opportunity for all.”
According to a statement, with more than 10,000 members, NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education.