Voice-Enabled Activity Tracker – “Siri” of Fitness

Lifestyle, Technology
Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you were asked who would be first to develop a voice-activated fitness platform, you may think Apple, Google, or Amazon. You most likely wouldn’tthink a small group of New Hampshire engineers could be scrappy enough to beat the tech titans to market, but that’s exactly what has happened.

Cyborg, an activity-focused startup from the state’s Capitol of Concord, launches their virtual activity assistant named “Cy”. The assistant is summoned using only your voice and can answer an assortment of questions about your movement and biometric data.

Cyborg was founded by CEO Tim Near (28) in 2017 – the company was initially developing wearable devices, but after a startup accelerator program, they unearthed a much larger opportunity. Tim explains, “While we were building an app for our wearables, it dawned on us that soon there will be a tidal wave of biometric data incoming and there is no cross-operating system solution available to digest it. We’re developing an assistant that can communicate these data streams to users in a way that’s organic and palatable; in other words, talk to you like a real person.”

The team is using machine learning to understand what kinds of questions users have about their activity and anticipate future inquiries. “We can see a clear path to putting a health and fitness expert in your pocket ready to instruct, coach, and encourage anyone with a mobile device,” said Tim.

The app is available for all iOS devices and can be downloaded for free. If you would like to enable the Cy assistant, the upgrade costs $3.99 per month. The mobile application is currently focused toward walking, running, and hiking, but Cyborg will immediately begin integrating external hardware so that Cy will be able to assist in all forms of exercise.

Cyborg is imagining a future where everyone has access to an engaging accountability partner that provides on-demand guidance to maintain an active lifestyle.

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