Who Says “New Rich” Books Don’t Work? This Guy Did Until He Figured Out the Secrets
Kevin Price is Editor at Large of USA Business Radio and was a one time unbeliever when it came to “New Rich” books. In his new book he talks about his transformation from skeptic to true believer and what you can do to make it work for you.
Briefing Wire reports:
“Making ‘New Rich’ Books Work for You” is by nationally syndicated radio host and multi-award winning journalist, Kevin Price. It is being published by USA Business Radio. It is described as “The Missing Link” in “New Rich” literature.
So was the critically acclaimed book “The Four Hour Work Week” by Tim Ferriss a waste of time for you? For most it seems to be merely a “good read” and little else.
Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business show read the book by Ferris THREE TIMES before seriously implementing it. He had nothing to show for it from his earlier attempts, but he kept going back to it. He wanted it to work, but couldn’t get it to work for him.
Then something happened — he was sick and tired of 60 hour work weeks, always exhausted, and of the sense of being on a constant hamster wheel. He was at the point where he had to implement the Tim Ferriss approach or find something else to do for a living. After reading it one more time, he decided to take serious action on it. He decided to treat it as if it COULD work. He took a cavalier approach, which included some reckless abandonment, and the results were astonishing.
In February 2016 Price decided to treat “The Four Hour Work Week” as a blueprint, and not just a clever book. In less than 60 days:
* Price had gone from 60 hour work weeks to less than 10 hour work weeks
* In 90 days he saw a marked increase in his income and made over 20 percent more that year, while cutting his hours by over 60 percent
* He found that by replacing his efforts with systems and automation brought an end to the years of uneven performance based on his whims or even how he felt. Systems and automation are always up for working.
Several months after his business and his life had improved, Price asked some questions about the challenges that led to him taking so long to make the necessary changes in his life. He read the book ten years before he implemented the changes. What took so long? He identified over a dozen reasons and has heard these reasons from others in interviews, comments on his social media, and other places, and decided to write about each of them and the things people can do to overcome them. He offers numerous real world examples and speaks openly and honestly about his own struggles and experience. Price describes it as his most vulnerable work to date.