Why Millennials Are the Most Affected Ones by the Burnout

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The burnout has recently become a common problem among the Millennials. Many of them complain that the extraordinary physical and emotional exhaustion that accompanies their lives. Despite this fact is not officially recognized by doctors, these symptoms are rather clear, as even the simplest tasks become overwhelming.


The problem is mainly connected with complex work and economic difficulties faced by the millennials. It is also a result of “intensive upbringing” – hyperopic and passionate parents’ desire to give their child the best education. Finally, such children suffer from over-expectations and constant dissatisfaction with their achievements. So, many of them are seeking for the place to relax. Therefore, we advise to check US online casinos list or to visit https://casinority.com/us/ website.


Professional Burnout?

The Millennials` burnout has much in common with the usual professional fatigue. This is a reaction to stress, which is accompanied by emotional exhaustion, a skeptical attitude towards everything and a feeling of inefficiency.


There are six main factors contributing to professional fatigue:

  • large workload;
  • limited control;
  • inefficiency;
  • unfair demands;
  • work vs human values conflicts;
  • loneliness at the workplace, etc.

People who have to be in a complex, controversial, and even hostile environment, are most prone to exhaustion. All these factors can negatively affect everyone, but the younger generation obviously feels them more intensely.


It is well known that burnout is a consequence of comparing oneself with others. As for Millennials, this problem is enhanced by communication in social networks. Even if you do not abuse social media, the Internet physically and emotionally exhausts any person.


We know a few about how the Millennials react to this problem. Perfectionists, especially prone to self-criticism, are at greater risk of burning. To overcome the failures, such a person works more and more, simply driving himself into a dead end.


Does Endurance Help?

In order to protect themselves from burning, experts usually advise to develop flexibility and mental and physical strength. They reinforce this with the assumption that competent specialists are able to maintain their work helping to avoid the consequences. As practice shows, highly skilled, psychologically healthy and enduring people, are most at risk of burning.


The tip to learn endurance, in fact, has the opposite effect, turning into additional stress and another unreached ideal. It is primarily wrong for perfectionists, who tend to punish themselves for failures. The ideas and notions of what we have to be, often turn into harmful hanging labels. Similarly, the parent’s desire to bring up a hard-working child often makes the reverse effect.

However, the problem of Millennials burnout shows that work and professional requirements are becoming more complex and strict. This issue becomes inherent for many professions. Thus, solving the problem is not about training people in sustainability and endurance, but in simplifying complex and controversial work and improving the unfavorable professional and personal environment.


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