Why Millions Still Support Trump’s Road to Presidency
By Debo Ayeni, Special for USDR
The new eBook “Moment of Truth: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Voters Who Will Decide the Presidency” has just been released and helps explain the remarkable resiliency of Donald Trump’s presidential bid by analyzing his and Hillary Clinton’s policy proposals, by examining the American people’s hopes and fears, and by scrutinizing President Obama’s successes and failures during his time in office.
“Moment of Truth” weaves hard facts about the candidates into a fictional narrative in a way that one reviewer says “makes for an interesting and unique story centered on American politics.” It was written to inform the public about the candidates’ stances on various policy issues, to encourage people to vote, and to encourage the press to ask Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump specific questions that will improve the public’s understanding of their beliefs, values, motivations, and policies.
Like the characters in “Moment of Truth,” many Americans want to know if a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for four more years of marginal wage growth and an economy that is growing at historically low rates. Similarly, many Americans also want to know if a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for a reckless foreign policy, dangerous domestic policies, and increased racial tensions due to Mr. Trump’s involvement in the birther movement, his controversial statements about immigrants, and his campaign pledge to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. The author hopes that in these final weeks leading up to the election, “Moment of Truth” will encourage the media to press the candidates on these and other important issues, so that the public has the information it needs to make an informed decision on Election Day.
“Moment of Truth: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Voters Who Will Decide the Presidency” can be found on Amazon and was written by Debo Ayeni, a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law and Maryland-based attorney.
SOURCE Debo Ayeni