3 Tips for Writing Your First Press Release
If you’re running a business and looking for ways to get some exciting news out about something you’re doing or something your business has accomplished, writing a press release is a great way to do this. However, if you’ve never written a press release before, you might not know what to write or how to best format this document. And since a well executed press release can be a huge boost to your business, you’ll want to be sure that you do this right.
To help you through this process, here are three tips for writing your first press release.
Mimic News Writing
For a lot of the other writing that you’re doing for your business, you may have a conversational tone. Especially if you’re a B2C business, you’re going to want to write content for your website or other marketing materials as if you’re talking to a friend. But when you’re writing a press release, you’re going to want to think about your writing more like news writing.
With news writing, you need to get right to the point and give the most important information at the very beginning. Because some of the main people that are going to be seeing your press release will be people in the media, this is the type of content they’re used to reading and then conveying to their own audiences. Knowing this, you should focus a lot of your attention on an informational headline and an informative first paragraph for your press release.
Imbed A Great Quote
While a lot of what your press release will consist of will be informational statements about your company and the news that you’re breaking, to add a little flavor to your press release, you should try to include a great quote from someone directly related or impacted by your business.
Ideally, you should try to get someone to give you a quote that’s short and sweet while adding some value to your press release rather than just restating what you’ve said in the sentences above it.
Write An Informational Boilerplate
At the bottom of your press release, you’ll want to include a boilerplate. A boilerplate is some generic information about you and your business. Think of your boilerplate similarly as you would your “About Us” page on your website.
Within your boilerplate, include who your company is and what you’re all about. You can give some background information about where you started and where you’ll be heading toward in the future, too. You can also include any awards or achievements that your business has been given in the past.
If you have something exciting to share with the world about your business, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you write a great press release about it.