5 Rules to Follow to Make a Great Branded Video

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you’re about to start developing a new video for your business, you are probably searching for ways to make sure that it is a fantastic success. 

While these is no way to guarantee the success of a new brand video you are making, there are some great rules to keep in mind along the way to give yourself the best chance at success. Here are some of the best rules to follow. 

Keep your objective in mind 

Truth is, this is the most important thing that you want to remember. When you are doing anything, you want to be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. The two most common reasons behind making a brand video includes spreading awareness and reach and announcing a new service or product. While you may want to do both, it is important to focus on which one is your primary objective, and how you can make sure you achieve that. 

Find out who your audience is 

Your video might be seen by 10 million people, but if only a small fraction of them are your target audience, you likely won’t get a ton of benefits from it. Not only do you want to keep your audience in mind when developing the content itself, you also want to keep them in mind when thinking about the channels and sites that your content will be found on. 

Maintain your voice 

It is important not to create a voice or persona that you think your audience wants. What you have to do is be sure to maintain the voice and character that you and your brand have become known for and trust that your audience will not only be able to identify and understand it, but identify with it. That is the very best way to create brand loyalty that will last far beyond the brief moments that people watch your video.

Integrate your brand colors and aesthetic 

Think about some of the very best branded videos you have seen recently. Some that might come to mind include Progressive, Apple and Target. While your company is likely nowhere near that level of size and reach, you can learn a few lessons from some of these marketing geniuses. 

Integrate your video with your brand’s colors, aesthetic, and please, please, please do not forget to include your logo in the video at some point! 

Define your mood with your editing style

The style in which your video is edited can have a huge impact on the mood, look and energy of your finished product. Think about how you want your audience to feel before you have your video shot and edited. Tell the video production company that you are working with about your ideal tone and feel and they will very likely be able to get that exact feeling across in the video itself. 


There are a lot of ways to make a great brand video, following these five tips is a fantastic way to start!

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