Dealing With Terrorists: How to be Successful

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By  Abayomi Nurain Mumuni, Special for USDR

The subject of terror is ever-present on the national mindset. With the recent tragic attacks in Brussels and the ongoing threat of ISIS, Nigerian political activist and global terrorism expert, Ambassador Abayomi Nurain Mumuni provides insightful commentary on the sociological, psychological, political, and economical toll of terrorism, and shares comprehensive research on the nature of terrorist demands.

Mumuni’s new book Demand by Terror examines the demands that are usually made by terrorist organizations to justify their actions and to force authorities to subscribe to their objectives. In discussing this, Demand by Terror examines the types of terrorist demands along patterns of terrorist groups and common characteristics noticeable in describing the demands. This book is a follow-up to his breakthrough book, Global Terrorism and its Effects on Humanity.

Written from the unique multi-cultural vantage point of a global scholar, businessman and political activist, Demand by Terror discusses the following:

  • What needs to be done to defeat terrorism.
  • Why different tactics need to be employed beyond military action to battle terrorism.
  • Why we need to understand what terrorists want.
  • Why we should negotiate with terrorists.
  • The different types of terrorists out there – political, religious, nationalist, etc. – and how they differ.
  • Whether a terrorist’s demand is a form of terrorism.
  • The moral way to deal with terrorists.

Mumuni brings an international perspective to the discussion about terrorism, having earned numerous advanced degrees and certifications on mediation, conflict resolution, public administration, international humanitarian law, UN peacekeeping operations, global and domestic terrorism, and homeland security from higher institutions of learning in the United Kingdom,South Africa, Israel, Nigeria, and the United States. He is presently the CEO of a multi-national financial corporation and often travels across the globe. He founded a political party in his homeland of Nigeria and ran for president there.

One of the conclusions arrived at in Demand by Terror is that “terrorist demands may as well pass as terrorism, with governments – the usual targets of terrorist demands—being the main victim. This conclusion is drawn against the backdrop of the political trauma, fear and embarrassment most responsible governments may suffer in handling terrorist demands.”

SOURCE Abayomi Nurain Mumuni

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