The Six R’s to Battle Inner Resistance and Achieve Greater Success

Business, Media
Reading Time: < 1 minute

By Daphne Michaels, Special for USABR
Is your inner resistance ruining your success? As a human potential trainer and consultant who hashelped literally thousands of people reach greater success, and in all of this time I’ve met very few clients who are completely free of some level of self-sabotage. It is so common to metaphorically drive with one foot on the gas and the other on the break that most people become used to wrestling with the push / pull of their mind and emotions all the way to achieving “good things”. I say, “good things” in quotes because there will always be some disappointment no matter what is achieved if the journey has cost more time, energy and money than necessary. 
An understanding of what inner resistance is and what to do about it can save time, energy and money and take your achievements from good to great!
The surprising truth is that inner resistance is a natural part of any true creative process and achieving greater success is perhaps the most real and high stakes creative process you will ever be in.
What to do about it? It’s simple; have a plan for when it shows up. Include in your plan what I call The Six R’s to Battle Inner Resistance and Achieve Greater Success:
  1. Recognize It
  2. Run toward the positive
  3. Relish Luxury — whatever this means to you
  4. Return to Nature
  5. Rest
  6. Remember the good you can do with greater success and how it will change your life.
For more information on this and more, visit my website at

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