House Leaders Move Forward in Health Care Reform
After the Ways and Means and Energy and Commerce Committees took historic action to repeal and replace Obamacare by approving theAmerican Health Care Act (AHCA), House Republicans are continuing to move the legislation forward this week.
Today, the House Budget Committee, chaired by Ways and Means Member Diane Black (R-TN), approved the legislation, delivering on our promise to fix the nation’s broken health care system by:
- Delivering nearly $900 billion in relief from Obamacare’s crushing taxes and mandate penalties, which have driven up costs for consumers, stifled job creation and wage growth for workers and families, and jeopardized access to care.
- Putting individuals and families back in charge of their health care by repealing the individual and employer mandates and helping Americans access the health care options that are right for them, not Washington.
- Providing states with freedom and flexibility to create vibrant health insurance marketplaces based on innovation, competition, and choices.
- Lowering health care costs for both consumers and taxpayers. As the Congressional Budget Office reported earlier this week, our fiscally responsible legislation will lower health insurance premiums by 10 percent, reduces the federal deficit by $337 billion, and saves taxpayers $880 billion by unwinding Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion and reforming the program.
As Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) recently said on Fox News:
“If you’re tired of higher taxes, higher government spending, more mandates, and government directing your health care—interfering between you and your doctor and that relationship—it’s time to act. If you want to see more state and personal control of health care, this is the bill to do it.”
CLICK HERE to read the bill.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Ways and Means portion of the legislation.
CLICK HERE to read what President Trump, Health and Human Services Secretary Price, and organizations across the country are saying about AHCA.