House Ways and Means Leads way on Obamacare Repeal and Replace
Today the House Ways and Means Committee approved the American Health Care Act (AHCA). This legislation will:
- Repeal Obamacare’s massive taxes—including eliminating the unpopular individual and employer mandate penalties that have forced Americans to buy expensive insurance they do not want or need;
- Help Americans access health care options that are tailored to their needs by providing a monthly tax credit; and
- Empower individuals and families to spend their health care dollars the way they want and need by enhancing and expanding Health Savings Accounts.
Upon approving the legislation, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) said:
“Ways and Means Republicans just passed legislation that will help Americans finally have access to affordable health care. We voted repeatedly to end Obamacare’s crushing taxes and mandates and ensure patients have more power over their own health care. This legislation reflects President Trump’s strong commitment to improving health care for all Americans. I sincerely thank my colleagues for their hard work and commitment to delivering on the President’s promise.”
CLICK HERE to read the full text of the AHCA.
CLICK HERE to read what President Trump, Health and Human Services Secretary Price, and organizations across the country are saying about the AHCA.
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s and Chairman Walden’s Wall Street Journal Op-Ed about the AHCA.
CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s USA Today Op-Ed about the AHCA.