How to Give Treatments to Shy and Quiet Students in the Kindergarten

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In kindergarten, you will meet various types of children. Sometimes, if you have been a teacher for so many years, it is difficult for you to manage them well. One of the problems is when there are children who are too shy or quiet. They may not be active and you must put in a lot of effort to let them interact well with their friends. 

Actually, some simple methods can be applied to solve this problem. Yes, shy and inactive kids are commonly only because they are not accustomed to interacting with others. Maybe, their parents have the same characteristics. So, what you need to do is let them speak and do something by themselves for the first time. Here are some tips to do.

Pair Him or Her with an Active or Popular Friend

When there is an activity to do in pairs, you can pair him or her with a friend with opposite characteristics. For example, it is a talkative or popular friend. Sure, in a classroom, there must be such students. The talkative or popular friend is expected to encourage the shy one to be more active. Of course, you should manage them so that there is not only one person who talks or is active more. Make sure that they interact and play roles well so that the pair can be balanced. This method is also good to make the shy kid be more accepted by other friends.

Make Small Groups

In nature, we cannot make friends with all people. Yes, some people can be friends while some others are not more than acquaintances. The condition is very similar to what happens in the classroom. Some people tend to be easier to make friends and interact when the group is small. Therefore, one of the activities to apply is a group activity. In a small group, the shy and inactive students tend to have more chances to speak and play roles. This is also how those children can start to make friends in kindergarten.

Give a Task or Responsibility

While active kids in the classroom may ask for tasks from teachers, the shy and quiet ones may not be like that. Well, they must be only quiet. So, it is you, as the teacher, who prompts them to do certain tasks or responsibilities first. For example, you can ask him or her to let his or her friends sing along. When there is a special event like cleaning the classroom together, he or she can be chosen as the supervisor who warns his or her classmates who don’t do their jobs well.

Find the Reason

Some people are naturally quiet. Yes, they are just too lazy to speak and be active in a society. However, some others have a reason behind it. So, you need to find the reason. Therefore, you can give them the right treatments and solve them if there are problems. Based on surveys, many kids in kindergarten and elementary schools are quiet because of bullying. Well, as a teacher, you must make sure such things do not happen. When it has happened, the solution must be found soon.


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