How to Grow into Everything You Were Made to Be
Elana van Deventer, an alignment coach, speaker, entrepreneur, and the founder of The Revive Method, believes that our lives should be built with confidence and clarity. She started her company after experiencing the lowest moment in her life, but it turns out it was exactly what she needed to become the most authentic version of herself. According to her, there are three things to account for that will make any person grow into everything they were born to become: identity, purpose, and worth.
The key to knowing your true identity is similar to turning on the light inside your mind and heart, which aligns the internal settings of how you were made to allow you to see with clarity. You start to see yourself for who you truly are. To become the best edition of yourself, you need to have an unshakable starting point. This is not something that changes with your vocational calling—this is your identity. Without it, you will search for yourself in the approval of others, the accolades of a successful career, or in any number of other addictions. Having a strong, rooted identity allows the stability to grow in the direction you actually want to aim for, the one you dream about but maybe never say out loud. Once you know who you are, you’ll be able to push through anything you are faced with.
It is easy to be left in a state of stagnation, but your negative feelings can transform into something good, like an internal navigation system. These feelings point you toward something that perhaps you cannot see with your logical senses. Every major success begins with discovering your purpose in life. This is because finding one’s purpose creates the destination you want to arrive at. Through unexpected and often negative experiences, you may be steered to your true purpose in life. Beyond a dull routine, living with purpose is a unique and dynamic journey for every individual; it’s not something that can be seen on the outside. But you’ve been designed precisely to grow and develop towards true prosperity. It’s already in your genetic makeup.
The failure to be confident about yourself can affect every aspect of your existence, including your personal and professional life. It is a must to develop a healthy level of self-confidence to allow for opportunities to grow into the person you are destined to become. Human life is devalued all the time and you often become desensitized to it even though your very existence is miraculous and an everyday wonder. Recognizing the value of life and your worth before you ever do the work to align yourself with your identity and purpose is necessary to open the doors of opportunity and grow. Understanding that your worth exists before you even acknowledge it relieves you of the pressure to “become” something and instead frees you to pursue your heart’s desires from a place of victory!
This essential advice from Elana van Deventer is based on her personal life. If you want to know more about her and register for The Revive Method, you can contact Elana through the following channels:
Instagram: @elanavandeventer
Email: therevivemethod@gmail.com