How Trump’s Approach to Campaigning is a Game Changer

Lifestyle, Politics
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By Sean O’Loughlin, Special for USDR

Out of the box electoral mechanics could possibly produce an election victory for Donald Trump in the 2016 United States President’s election. More specifically, approximately 219 million people in the United States are eligible to vote, but only a little over 146 million are actually registered to vote. That means that there are almost 73 million people who could swing the election in 2016 if this unregistered population made the effort to register to vote and participate in the 2016 United States President’s Election.

In the 2012 President’s election, President Barack Obama bested Mitt Romney by approximately 126 electoral votes. A recent ABC News – Washington Post poll has Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by a double digit margin. Assuming voters replicate their 2012 voting patterns in 2016, the odds are against Donald Trump. However, what if Donald Trump was able to change the odds by increasing the voter population in his favor by reaching out to the rebels of society.

States with significant electoral votes where President Obama bested Mitt Romney include, New York, New Jersey, California,Florida, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Maryland, Minnesota, Virginia and Wisconsin. How could Donald Trump change the voter dynamics in these states. Possibly, what if Donald Trump was to do a voter registration drive targeting unregistered potential voters who would favor Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. The fact of the matter is that the over 70 million people who are not registered to vote but are eligible to register are people who don’t believe that they have a stake in today’s system. Perhaps, Donald Trump’s rebel campaign approach may be just the type of campaign to bring these rebels into the mainstream. A Possible way to reach these people is by leveraging the services of Trump’s rebel celebrity followers who include: Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Mike Tyson and Pete Rose. Winning the 2016 United States President’s Election by leveraging the over 70 million unregistered possible voter population via a celebrity rebel campaign appeal would be the kind of strategy to make history books.

ABOUT SEAN O’LOUGHLIN, ESQ.: Sean O’Loughlin is a Constitutional Conservative Manhattan attorney.

SOURCE Sean O’Loughlin

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