How Whistleblowers Can Report Wrongdoing and Earn Monetary Awards

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Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Matthew Stock.

On a recent Price of Business show, Host Kevin Price interviewed Matthew Stock who is the Director of the Whistleblower Rewards Practice at Zuckerman Law. He is an attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner and former KPMG external auditor. Mr. Stock has audited a broad range of industries, both domestically and internationally, including large public companies and financial institutions. As an auditor, Mr. Stock developed an expertise in financial statement analysis and fraud recognition.

At Zuckerman Law, Mr. Stock leverages his experience as an attorney, CPA, CFE and external auditor to assist whistleblowers investigate and disclose complex frauds to the government. His practice focuses on representing whistleblowers in rewards cases at the SEC, CFTC, and FinCEN.

How whistleblowers can report violations to the SEC, CFTC, and FinCEN and earn monetary awards. Since 2011, the SEC has issued more than $2.2 billion in awards to whistleblowers. The largest SEC whistleblower award to date is $279 million. Also since 2011, the CFTC has issued more than $390 million in awards to whistleblowers. The largest CFTC whistleblower award to date is $200 million. On the podcast, they discuss the various whistleblower programs and violations that can lead to awards. They also discuss the process of reporting to the government, how whistleblower can report anonymously to the government if represented by an attorney, common characteristics of successful whistleblowers, and how attorneys can assist whistleblowers in obtaining and maximizing awards.



The Price of Business is one of the longest running shows of its kind in the country and is in markets coast to coast. The Host, Kevin Price, is a multi-award winning author, broadcast journalist, and syndicated columnist. Learn more about the show and its digital partners at (scroll down to the bottom of the page).


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