Leading House Republican Takes on “Medicare for All,” Trade Agreements, and More
This week, Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) spoke to USA Business Radio and other media about…
- The costs and concerns of Medicare-for-all discussed in the Ways & Means Committee hearing
– “Do you really trust Washington to make your life and death healthcare decisions?” – “[democrats] lost this majority over their insistence on Obamacare and jamming that through. I think they understand that they are running that play again, and it’s very risky for them.” - The progress of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) – “Every day we delay hurts American workers; it hurts our economy.”
- House passage of the IRS reform package that makes it a tax-payer first agency– “They’re [senate] eager to move this to the President’s desk just as soon as possible, so I think that’s encouraging news.”
- Democrats’ extender package – “It appears to us that this is a $100 billion spending spree, with just a whole lot of special interest carve-outs. I don’t know how you can justify raising taxes on family owned farms and local businesses so you can give tax breaks to wealthy homeowners.”
- Movement of the Secure Act in the Senate – “I know Senator Cruz obviously wants to re-insert the language that was I think, embarrassingly removed from the bill over in the house after I left the committee.”
In other related statements the Congressman discussed:
Universal healthcare coverage:
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for fulfilling your commitment to hold a hearing on the dangerous and controversial Medicare-for-All.
“While our American health care system does have problems, we should focus on improving what’s working and to fix what’s broken, rather than starting over with a massive new socialized medicine scheme that will leave many families worse off.
“Congress is facing another government shut-down this fall. The government shut down three times last year alone. So, you’ve got to wonder: The federal government can’t even keep its doors open. Can you really trust Washington with your life-and-death health care decisions?
“Make no mistake, Medicare-for-All guts quality health care in favor of delays and long waiting lines.
“It gives Washington politicians unlimited control over your health care. It cancels good, quality health care plans for millions of workers, children, and the elderly. And it’s so costly – trillions of dollars – it will bankrupt America.
“Imagine a day in your life under Medicare-for-All… (READ MORE)
It is time to send historic IRS reform to the President to sign:
“These historic reforms will transform the IRS into an agency truly focused on taxpayer service. For the first time in twenty years, we are overhauling the agency’s enforcement tools while increasing taxpayers’ protection from identity theft and fraud. I want to applaud Reps. John Lewis and Mike Kelly for their tireless work to get these bipartisan reforms one step closer to the finish line – it’s time for Congress to finally send this bill to the President’s desk.”
In addition, the Congressman recently addressed the following:
Brady, Grassley: Dems’ Extenders Package a ‘Non-Starter’
Brady Statement on Trump’s Announcement Suspending Scheduled Tariffs on Mexico
HOUSE PASSED: Bipartisan Legislation to Help Workers Save More for Retirement