Medicare For All, What Does it Mean?
In a statement before the interview, Alexander notes:
“There is a lot of talk on medicare for all. The problem is what politicians are proposing is not medicare for all, but a single payer system. Medicare is a freedom of choice program, where you can choose your own doctors. With a single payer system, the doctors are employees of the government, and the hospitals are owned by the government. Politicians are using the words of “Medicare for All” because medicare is popular with the public, and well liked. A single payer system would require you to only go to a doctor or clinic in your designated area, private insurance would not be available except for what the Government does not cover.”
Things discussed in this important interview:
- It would give access to all, but would limit the choice and what would be covered.
- The economic system would be affected, as 18% of the GDP, is The health care system. As it stands now, millions of jobs would be lost, and the fragile system we have now would collapse with a single payer system.
- As in England , Private insurance only exists for wealthy, and the middle class is left out.
- With what they are proposing, it’s Not Medicare foe all, but, Medicare for None.
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