Mental And Physical Benefits of Meaning at Work

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business Radio Show recently interviewed Danny Gutknecht to discuss Gutknecht’s book “Meaning at Work” the first book to lay out a strategy so everyone can participate in designing a work environment that provides meaning and purpose.


A deep sense of meaning is a basic human need.  People spend 57% of their time at work and if they don’t have meaning in their work they are more stressed, anxious, gain weight and get sick more frequently. Lack of meaning can also lead to an early death.  In addition, meaning has health benefits.  Studies have proven that meaning at work leads to a 50% drop in Alzheimer’s disease and a 30% decrease in heart disease.


Research shows that organizations with engaged employees outperform those with unmotivated employees by more than 300 percent.  To compete in today’s business environment, organizations must inspire their work force to become invested in what they do.  Most people join an organization hoping to be able to fulfill their potential in some way but often the structure and culture of the company is a disabler rather than an enabler.

“Meaning at Work – and Its Hidden Language,” explains that today’s employees are in search of an authentic connection.  Of course, people need meaning at work, but it is organizational meaning that is the key to unlocking both individual and collective potential.

“Meaning At Work” is the first book to lay out a strategy that enables everyone to participate in organizational meaning-making. Learning to recognize what you find meaningful in the work you do requires skills and competencies that many people haven’t developed.

The book helps readers to understand what meaning is, how it works and what can be done to engage it. CEOs are encouraged to facilitate this by creating an environment where together employees and managers are encouraged to explore the relationship between their meaning model and that of the organization.

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