New Series on Business Interest Employee Protection

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Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Beth Warford.

The Beth Warford Commentaries

Price and Warford discussed the brand news series she is doing on the Price of Business Digital Network on how individuals can better protect themselves in an increasingly dangerous world.
This series will go into the various trainings her firm provides and some important stories on people protecting themselves.

Beth Warford is the founder of Pretty Loaded. She began her company with a clear mission and vision to instill strength, awareness and confidence to people throughout the world. Beth began her journey after a close encounter with a would-be predator. She quickly realized there were martial arts and gun training in the self-defense world, but no training on how to avoid a violent situation and realized this training would be invaluable worldwide. Beth launched Pretty Loaded in 2013.

Pretty Loaded has developed a proactive and preventative personal safety training that uses situational awareness, body language, criminal tactics and de-escalation techniques to prevent injury or harm.

Pretty Loaded is well known for their viral personal safety videos that have been viewed and shared by hundreds of millions of people and large news networks all over the world.  The company’s safety education & the training is used by law enforcement departments, the U.S. Courts system, Langley Air Force Base, Frontier Airlines, Real Estate schools, security services, hospitals, universities, law enforcement agencies, and other large corporations worldwide. Pretty Loaded submitted the National Situational Awareness Day to the National Day Calendar in 2015, and the day is celebrated September the 26th.

Beth has had specialized ICU and Sedation experience in numerous Children’s Hospitals as an RN, which has given her extensive experience performing under life and death moment stress. On a mission to instill strength, awareness, and confidence, Beth began her journey as an educator and National speaker after a close encounter with a would-be predator. She has trained thousands of people in person, and through her online training around the world. Her safety videos reach millions globally!

She is responsible for starting National Situational Awareness Day and this was approved by the registrar of the National Day Calendar.

Beth has been featured on Consumer Reports, Elite Readers, BuzzFeed, The Price of Business Show, The USA Times, ViralNova, and many more networks.

Beth loves spending her time reading, running, cooking, and painting. She is married and has four wonderful girls, organic chickens, teacup pigs, and lives on an organic produce farm and vineyard.

“Preparedness results in clear thinking when you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Remember, It’s better to have the skills and not need them, than need the skills and not have them!” -Beth Warford

Get more safety tips and watch “Are You Distracted?” which has been viewed 16M times at




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