Signs Of Sexual Harassment That Aren’t Always Obvious

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sexual harassment, in some cases, is overt, says Los Angeles sex crimes attorney Stein & Markus. That doesn’t mean, however, that every signal pointing to sexual harassment is in your face. There are a number of subtle warning signs that you’d do well to pay attention to, and today, we’ll be pointing out some of the less obvious signs that sexual harassment might be occurring in your workplace.

The Workplace Has A “Boy’s Club”

One sneaky sign of a workplace that contains — or at least tacitly condones — sexual harassment is the presence of a “boys club.” If you’re unaware, this means that there’s one group (composed of men) who seem to run the show in an intimidating manner.

Aside from causing an uneasy power dynamic within the workplace, the “boy’s club” atmosphere is the sort of environment where harassers can thrive, since they know that upper management will have their back in almost any scenario.

There’s An “Us” v. “Them” Mentality

And by “us” and “them,” we mean that the workplace has a clear division along gendered lines. 

This is something of an extension of our first point, and if you see a pattern in a workplace where women are given more menial tasks, the less favorable shifts, etc., then there’s an increased likelihood they’re viewed as inferior to their male counterparts.

It’s workplaces like these where harassment is more likely to thrive, again, because harassers have plenty of backup and folks who will turn a blind eye to their behavior, even on unjustified wrongful termination cases.

You Can Pick Up On Hints Of A Harasser

While not all harassers will exhibit all of the same behaviors, there are still slight cues you can pick up on, if you know what to look for.

If you, for instance, notice someone who is constantly making remarks about co-workers looks, coarse comments about sex, sharing graphic imagery/stories, or skirting the line when it comes to unwanted physical contact, then you might have a harasser in your midst.

Similarly, there are subtleties that might indicate someone has been the victim of harassment in the workplace. If you notice a once productive and happy employee starting to miss deadlines, make a habit of coming in late (or not at all), and exhibiting signs of increased anxiety, there’s a possibility they’ve been subjected to some unwanted behavior at the hands of another coworker.


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