Survey Designed to Help Employers Discover Unreported Harassment and Discrimination

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Impactly, the employee engagement platform focused exclusively on preventing harassment and discrimination, today announced the launch of its new Workplace Climate Survey.

The Impactly® Workplace Climate Survey helps employers identify unreported harassment and discrimination, and provides actionable recommendations on how to create a safer workplace. Through its mobile-ready employee engagement platform, employers can easily administer Impactly’s standardized, anonymous Workplace Climate Survey designed with guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, as well as the Association of American Universities (AAU) and White House Campus Climate Surveys.

Impactly will invite 200 companies and universities to use the new product for free in 2019, including its anonymous employee survey platform, benchmarking reports, post-survey analysis, and recommendations.

“All existing research points to anonymous workplace climate surveys as a mechanism to identify and prevent harassment and discrimination, and we wanted to build a platform that made this accessible to employers of any size,” said Preston Clark, J.D., CEO and co-founder of Impactly.

“Beyond the millions of dollars U.S. employers spend on defending harassment claims, retraining employees, and revising policies, the impact of harassment on employee morale, productivity, and mental health is devastating. Despite this heavy toll, very few employers measure the true efficacy and outcomes of their harassment prevention initiatives. Data from Impactly’s survey will give employers actionable insights to improve workplace culture and harassment prevention outcomes.”

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