Tag: spending
The Federal Debt Ceiling and Federal Spending: Why They Matter
Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Harold Furchtgott-Roth. Secretary of Treasury […]
Average New Car Prices Reach a Record High
Reading Time: 4 minutesThe analysts at Kelley Blue Book today reported the estimated average transaction price (ATP) for light vehicles in the United States was $36,113 in December 2017. New-car prices have increased by $583 (up 1.6 percent) from December 2016, while climbing […]
Drowning in Debt
Reading Time: 3 minutesBy Northwestern Mutual, Special for USABR Nearly three quarters of Americans are struggling with debt and the burden is significant in terms of both size and duration, according to new findings […]
Trump’s 10 Major Spending Gaps
Reading Time: 4 minutesBy Voice Of the People, Special for USABR An innovative survey from the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation (PPC) reveals significant differences between the budget proposed in the Trump […]
Obamacare Worsen Healthcare Spending Growth
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Altarum, Special for USDR National health spending in May 2016 was 5.0% higher than in May 2015. Spending on prescription drugs dropped to 5.2% growth, continuing its decline from the […]
Federal Budget in One Year Congress will Balance
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy USDR Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today released Prime Cuts 2016, the latest edition of the group’s comprehensive waste-cutting recommendations that would eliminate unnecessary and ineffective federal programs and spending. […]