The Class You and Your Kids Fail in College
By Jake Heilbrunn, Special for USDR
College is supposed to be the best time of your life, providing the surest path to success. But that perception is marred by harsh realities. Among them are colossal student debt, unemployment or underemployment faced by more than half of recent graduates and an anxiety and depression epidemic. Why are so many college students and adults in the workplace depressed, anxious and unfulfilled? How can parents guide their millennial and Gen Z children to a successful life and career?
Jake Heilbrunn, a 19-year-old college dropout and one of the world’s youngest motivational speakers, has a unique understanding of these issues because he overcame them. The author of the new book Off the Beaten Trail, available September 28 and endorsed by New York Times bestselling author Chris Guillebeau, Jake is committed to helping others follow their intuition and pave their own path. Based on his own remarkable experiences, he shares essential life lessons that aren’t taught in a classroom.
Invite this informative millennial expert to answer:
- The reason why so many college students are depressed and anxious and how anxiety and depression can lead you to your life’s purpose
- What millennials are searching for in college and careers
- Why age doesn’t limit or define your ability to succeed
- How to become valuable in today’s marketplace
CREDENTIALS: An emerging leader of his generation, Jake has reached thousands of people through his inspirational videos and motivational talks at high schools. His writing has been featured on multiple blogs including Pick the Brain, Thought Catalog, and Psychology Today, where his article went viral. His story was featured on The Ziglar Show, a top 5 Business Podcast on iTunes. More than 150 people from eight countries helped him fund a Kickstarter campaign to publish his inspirational memoir, Off the Beaten Trail: A Young Man’s Soul-Searching Journey Through Central America. Jake was a well-adjusted Dean’s List student who dropped out of college after becoming depressed, anxious and developing hives. He then spent four months backpacking throughCentral America by himself with no cellphone and no knowledge of Spanish. His pilgrimage led him to realize there are limitless ways to live and that people can create their own destinies through self-reflection and then taking action.
SOURCE Jake Heilbrunn